How to Store Your Car or Motorcycle for the Winter

Cooler weather is approaching, now is the time to think about storing your vehicle. Whether storing in a garage or at a facility below are some helpful tips on how to store your car or motorcycle for the winter. Follow these tips for your vehicle to be drive ready for the spring.

Holiday Festivities

  • Make sure before storing your vehicle to clean it up. Take it for one last drive to burn off any extra water, then give it a nice wash and wax to protect it for the winter.
  • Avoid using the braking brake during winter storage so pressure is not consistently applied to the brake pads and rotors. If e-brake is on this may cause the pads and rotors to fuse.
  • Top off all fluids, especially the gas tank. Leaving a little room for in the gas tank will allow for moisture to build up and cause issues in the spring.
  • To allow for fresh air to move through the car leave a small crack in the window.
  • Changing the oil before storing is a good suggestion so when Spring does roll around you are ready to ride.
  • Plug exhaust pipes and intake valves to keep small animals out.
  • Make a check list or reminder for yourself of what was done in the winter.
  • When cleaning the vehicle for storage a good suggestion is to take off the windshield wipers so they do not adhere to the windshield.
  • To make your winter storage easier on yourself remember to take the battery out. Taking the battery out allows for it to keep fully charged all winter long.

Stop by the office for more helpful tips on how to store your car or motorcycle for the winter from our storage professionals. Check out our website to reserve your space today or stop by in person!