Storage Auction Insights

Talk about some serious auction action! On September 4th, our South Queen storage facility in Martinsburg, West Virginia held a storage unit auction that drew an attendance of over 50 people. Led by the talented auctioneer, Floyd Davis, a total of 36 units were auctioned off, bringing in about nine thousand dollars!

Floyd Davis, a resident of Williamsport, has been auctioneering & appraising for over 30 years & is very involved with the community. He enjoys spending time with his 3 kids & 9 grandkids. Floyd is a devoted father & husband to Sandy Davis. He likes to have fun & joke around, but when it comes to business he is very organized & professional. You can see his upcoming auctions here or call him at 240-329-7536.

In addition, one unit was designated as a charity storage unit, which sold for one hundred dollars. In case you don’t know, Charity Storage is a promotional outreach program that depends on the support of the self storage industry, the Self Storage Association, and millions of North American self storage tenants and neighboring communities. This organization utilizes existing storage facility operations, namely storage units and auctions, to raise money to benefit the community.

How does it work?

We dedicate a storage unit from inventory to house any donated items. Anyone can donate – departing tenants, current tenants, auction buyers, local residents and businesses are all welcome to participate and will receive a tax deductible receipt in return. When it comes time for us to have an auction, the Charity Storage Unit is sold just like any other unit, except that all of the earnings are given to local and national charities. We’re incredibly proud to be a part of this program!

We’d like to thank of all those in attendance for this fantastic event, as well as offer our sincere gratitude to Floyd for making this auction day run smoothly! If you missed this one, or are already itching for more auctioning, be sure to check our website for monthly auction announcements.