Celebrate the Holidays in Dillsburg PA

What is the best way to prepare for winter and the holidays in Dillsburg PA? With Valley Storage we help you answer that question. Our storage units are great for a winter move or life happening. Short term storage is common around this time of year because of the parties and extra guests. If you are opening your house up for the family feast, let us help you make a little room while staying organized.

Prep, eat, relax, that is all you should have to worry about this season. When your belongings are safe, you can kick up your feet or head out to a fun lighting or festival. Check out what is going on around Dillsburg PA.

 Holidays in Dillsburg PA

Carlisle PA is only a short drive away and hosting a lighting spectacular and wonderland all in one event. A parade, arts and crafts, and Santa himself are entertaining families at Carlisle’s Wonderland Weekend. The first weekend in December is full of your favorite winter activities.

Come out on December 1st to start the holidays with the Annual Tree Lighting. Santa will flip the switch and stay to spend time with all the kids. The lighting takes place downtown at the Dillsburg town square.

What are your plans for the new year? As always our town drops the famous pickle to bring good luck for a new year. Take everyone to watch a fun Dillsburg tradition, the Pickle Drop and enjoy some good food. The whole evening consists of games and lots of good pickle inspired food.

Before the snow piles up, get ready for winter with Valley Storage. Find a safe place to keep your gear and a seasonal event to make the end of the year special. With our experts you are sure to enjoy your holidays in Dillsburg PA.